Learn Digital Photography

Now You Can Master Any DSLR Camera And Take Gorgeous, Attention-Grabbing Photos By Following Step-By-Step Video Tutorials!

  • Do you own a DSLR camera but take mediocre photographs – a sign that you lack the skill and confidence to get the best results?
  • Have you thought about upgrading your equipment, believing that will improve your photos?
  • Are you lost when it comes to exposure, aperture, ISO/ASA, depth of field, lighting, lenses, filters, post-production and other difficult concepts?
  • Do you still have questions or feel overwhelmed after reading blogs, forums, books, and tutorials?
  • Have you thought about taking photography classes – but want to save time and money?
  • Do you think you’re not ready to be a professional – a mindset that you must overcome to succeed, get recognized, and sell your own photos?

Bad Photos Are Not Your Fault


So many new photographers and hobbyists get stuck on buying equipment. And they spend months hunting for ways to improve their skills.

Yet, after all that, your photos are average. Or worse.

Here’s the truth: it’s really NOT your fault!

I’m telling you, I’ve spent hundreds of hours digging through blogs and forums, reading books and manuals, watching YouTube and DVDs.

Guess what. After going through ALL of the training material out there, I’ve found NONE that will turn you into a pro, step-by-step.

They always have missing pieces. Questions without answers. Nobody says exactly how the best images are made.

You’re just expected to “spend a lot of time practicing”!

People believe that’s a good thing, but it can actually be wasted time and energy. Doing something over and over again is exhausting. It takes years to figure stuff out and become a professional that way… if you get there at all!

There’s a better strategy…

Volcanic Crater

How did I go from beginner to having photographs showcased and featured on DeviantART, Flickr, print ads, billboards, posters, magazines, and book covers?

Well, I never took classes. Anywhere. Ever.

Instead, I went around my town and shot photos with an entry-level DSLR, a Nikon D50.

My first attempts were “ordinary”, nothing special. Online I saw photos better than mine and literally thought they were mysterious. I couldn’t figure out how they did it!

But then… I discovered a few BASIC PRINCIPLES that make it possible to take good photos, every time, no matter what camera’s in my hands.

With these principles, I can take a couple of shots and feel comfortable knowing at least one will be a “keeper”.

It’s WAY BETTER than digging through 100 shots hoping that one is just “okay”.

Now I’m aware of WHAT to look for… WHEN to photograph… HOW to get the shot I want. And I can be sure that a photo will be good – even before it’s taken.

It’s like I found a reflex that just “knows” when to click the shutter!

Seriously, this changed my life…

How To Quickly Learn Everything You Need To Create Amazing Photographs


Your shots CAN look like these! Here’s how…

Let’s be real: after getting a DSLR you found it takes more than reading the manual to get professional results from it.

Then your hunt for more information and answers began.

But there’s a TON of information about photography, and it’s so unorganized!

I learned by doing meticulous research, putting it all together on my own. After spending years applying what I discovered, I began sharing with friends online.

Nobody prepared me for the flood of questions about landscapes, portraits, sports, studio photography… and my weird ability to just grab a camera and start taking great photos without any effort whatsoever.

Now I’ve got the answers you’re looking for, and they’re here on this website.

Just Imagine Being Able To…

Choose the right DSLR on a budget and still get all the desired features

Properly hold a DSLR and stop looking like a complete idiot out in the field

Stop taking boring photos that nobody cares about and start taking creative, memorable photos worth sharing and selling

Why Does This Work So Much Better?

The principles I discovered can turn nearly anyone into an “expert photographer”. When it comes to getting better shots, you’ll be AMAZED at how well they work.

And these principles are essential if you want photography to be a secondary or even full-time income.

Yet this information is hard to get. It’s either hidden from the general public or scattered all over the place, unavailable in one location for easy access.

NOW HERE’S THE SOLUTION: Everything you must learn to take professional quality images is on this website.

You can finally start using your camera with confidence. Start taking your own amazing photographs that people will rave about and even pay money for, if that’s your goal.

Listen, I’m willing to tell you everything because I’m not afraid of competition.

After being published all over the world, I’ve learned that it’s actually more fun and rewarding to share what I discovered… the very same information that launched my career.

My favorite part is when people send photos after using what I taught them.

Bottom-line: it doesn’t matter if you’re brand new or have been struggling with photography for a long time… I want to help you.

To make it easy, I took a video camera and recorded answers to all the top questions and more.

I carefully demonstrate how to use exposure and aperture, lenses, lighting, composition, software, and many other topics that people find difficult or confusing.

What’s better, I’ll show you how to succeed…

  • Without piles of books or college courses
  • Without years of experimentation taking “average” photos
  • With your choice of equipment, whether it’s a $300 or $3000 setup

And remember… this information applies to EVERY DSLR CAMERA YOU WILL EVER USE. No matter what camera you own or borrow, my videos reveal exactly how to get the results you want.

It’s right here: the guaranteed fastest way to improve your photography…

Photography Masterclass

photography masterclass

Photography Masterclass is a set of 29 videos totaling 11 hours and 26 minutes of in-depth training that will show you how to get the most out of any DSLR camera.

Each video thoroughly explains something you need to know to become a better photographer…FAST.

Learn Digital Photography


Online Chocolate Classes

ImageIn college, my studies made me a scientist and a teacher.  I became a licensed biology teacher.  I taught in high schools for a couple years before my dream job and I came together in the same time and space.

It was my husband who actually took the phone call, from out of the blue, wondering if I’d be willing to work for Ambrosia Chocolate Company.  Duh!  That’s exactly what I wanted without even knowing the position existed.

I started working at Ambrosia in a quality control job (oh yeah, lots and lots of chocolate tasting) and then I moved into research and product development.  In case you’re wondering, that’s even more tasting!

For nearly 10 years I had my hands in chocolate, producing formulas for such companies as Pillsbury, Nabisco, Good Humor, ConAgra, Edy’s, Mrs. Fields, and Quaker Oats.

Besides making chocolate formulas, I learned to troubleshoot chocolate problemsfor businesses.  Sometimes over the phone, and sometimes in person, I would help resolve their chocolate and candy-making issues.  I learned a lot about what problems occur throughout the industry.

And, to expand my role, the company trained me to be a taster on their taste testing panel.  Eventually I ran taste test panelsfor the new products that we developed in our laboratory.

Now my passion is taking this knowledge and providing it to chocolate lovers, chocoholics, chocolate businesses, and anyone who enjoys chocolate in any form.  By doing this, I can help you can enhance your chocolate experience, whether you prefer making it or eating it.  This will boost your overall love and enjoyment of chocolate!

iPad Video Lessons

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a personal professor on hand to show you everything from setting up your iPad to the iPad’s less-obvious features and functionalities?

Granted, this might be a difficult feat to achieve; as handy as it would be, most people don’t have a personal professor on hand to help them understand some of the most exciting and useful features the iPad has to offer.

BUT, that’s about it change. Why? Because I am a technology professor, and I’m here to help YOU!

Your daily 10 minute iPad lesson!

The Pad Professor is your personal professor. My videos will show you how to unlock some of the iPad’s most exciting and unknown features through simple, easy to follow online video tutorials.

The best part is, ten minutes a day is really all it takes.

I’ve spent a lot of time reading, researching and experimenting, and have now unlocked every feature that can be used. I believe that easy to follow videos are the best way to pass my efforts over to you with ease.

My time and effort has been condensed and simplified, and is available in fun visual presentations. Just ten minutes daily will provide you with all the know-how you’ll ever need to make the most of your new device.

For More Info:iPad Video Lessons

The Ultimate Home Study Course


Cover Hundreds of Medical Topics Spanning Over 3000+ Pages
Award Winning Course Previously Only Sold To Medical Professionals
Each Lessons Ends With Key Facts, Revision Tests+ Solutions To Reinforce Learning and Pinpoint Weaknesses
Detailed Illustrations With Labels To Aid Your Comprehension – And Boost Your Retention
Idiot Proof Coverage Of Every Region & System In The Body and Identify Specific Muscle Groups and Their Functions
Simple Explanations of Cell Structures & Body Tissue and Review Key Anatomy & Physiology Concepts
Perfect For Medical Practitioners, Students, Educators, Anatomists, Sports Trainers, Injury Law Attorneys, Chiropractors, Therapists, Nurses and Paramedics
No Prior Medical Training Is Required
Computer Printable So That You Can Read On The Go
Compatible With Both Windows And Mac

The Ultimate Home Study Course

Numbers in Our Lives-Name With Numerology

Imagine what it would be like to read the story of your life, before it actually happened …

You’d know how to make the most out of the opportunities life gives you … how to avoid negative influences that distract you from achieving your true life purpose … and which path to take in order to have the happiest, most fulfilling life that is available to you.

That would really be something, wouldn’t it?

A full numerology reading will give you all these things, and much more … essentially, a recipe for a happier and more fulfilling life.

Now, I want to offer you what I truly believe to be one of the most wonderful numerology readings you’ll ever read about yourself.

Page after page, I virtually guarantee you’ll find yourself nodding in agreement, as you learn your own unique pathway to greater personal fulfillment.

However … I don’t want money to be the reason you hesitate to try one of these readings for yourself … which is why I want to send you a sample reading (based on your own birth information) absolutely free of charge.

To take advantage of this offer, simply enter your birth details below.

You’ll receive your reading within minutes of when you submit your details — and I’ll also send you a complete 21-part series of free numerology tutorials, where you’ll learn to uncover the mysteries of your soul, your personality, and your future.

-by Blair Gorman,
Master Numerologist
Dear Spiritual Seeker,

For More Info

High Blood Pressure Exercise

Natural Pain Relief in New York Park

Breakthrough Discovery Reveals How 3 Easy Exercises Lower Blood Pressure Below 120/80 — In As Little As A Week —

Preventing Diseases Such As Stroke, Heart Attack, And Kidney Failure

Read on to learn exactly how you too can lower your blood pressure naturally — without side effects…

Dear Friend,

You’re about to discover an alternative method to quickly and permanently heal your blood pressure.

It doesn’t matter what’s the cause of your conditions — be it genetic, high cholesterol, stress, or other factors? the exercises you’re about to learn will help you.

What’s more, they . . .
•Cause no side effects
•Usually, work within a week
•Help more than 88.7% of committed participants
•Take only a few minutes a day
•Require no supplements or diet change
•So easy anybody can use them
•Deliver permanent results

Your blood pressure will go down and stay down!

This is by far the simplest, easiest, and most effective method to permanently normalize your blood pressure without suffering the side effects of prescription medications.

And believe me . . .

I almost paid for this discovery with my life.

Hi, my name is Christian Goodman

I’m well-known in the health field as a natural health researcher.

My articles have been published on several thousand websites as well as many off-line health journals.

In this letter, I’ll share my story of how I accidentally stumbled onto this method that quickly and naturally lowers high blood pressure ? after having suffered life-threatening hypertension for years.

What I discovered was so easy, so simple yet so powerful that it led me to create a program . . . that helps more than 88.7% of those who use it to normalize their blood pressure — usually within a week.

Like you today,
I was a ticking time bomb